Its Almost Here!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The countdown has begun..last minute shopping, wrapping, baking, mailing off the last of the packages and then time to wind down and spend time with friends and family, what the holidays are really about.
This necklace is one that I sold to a customer for her sister about a week ago as a gift for Christmas. She told me that she bought this necklace for her sister because no matter what happened she felt that her sister always had an angel by her side. My angel has been busy helping me this year too. I have had many wonderful things happen to me in 2009. I opened my New etsy store in March and have now sold over 200 pieces of jewelry. I have had four pieces of jewelry on the front page of etsy (not easy), and met many wonderful customers, and made lots of new friends. My jewelry is now in a store in Kingston PA. Green-N-Groovy, as well as in On Board Clothing Co. Tehachapi, CA. and who knows what the new year will bring. I want to thank everyone who has supported me and helped me launch my store and thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I hope that everyone has the happiest of Holidays!
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