
Hi, my name is Amy Aguirre. I am a wife, mom, executive assistant, hair dresser and jewelry artist who creatively combine all of the above in my very busy, happy life. I married my high school sweetheart who I am still married to 20 years later, and have an amazing son who is the best of both my husband and I.

I live in the beautiful California Mountains, surrounded by nature, which inspires me on a daily basis. You will find many of my designs have been inspired by my surroundings with a little bit of my quirky twist or spin on them.

If I had to describe myself I would say that I am a free spirited, optimist, who loves to laugh and make people smile. I like to think outside of the box, not always taking the traditional and conventional way, but instead waiting, for something to inspire me, that is when I am at my best.

On the best of days you will find me in my LittleGreenRoom making jewelry. LittleGreenRoom is the nickname given to the very small, green, spare room of our house that is now my jewelry studio. I have been making jewelry since the early 90’s but only metalsmithing for about 4 years now. I fell in love with manipulating metal the first day of my silversmithing class and it was full speed ahead from there.

Inspirations for my designs stem from nature and all things happy. I would describe my style of jewelry as mod and rustic with a twist… and then, a little unexpected surprise. It is so fulfilling to recreate something living like a flower and design it in metal so it will last forever. Experimenting with my torch and different metals seem to be the most fun for me, my mixed metal designs are my favorite. I love my man tools..:) and am always learning new tricks and skills to incorporate into my designs.

I am so fortunate to now be shipping my designs all over the world, meeting many wonderful people and making new friends along the way!  I just received an email today from someone visiting my store, she expressed to me that my jewelry makes her smile. For me, that is one of the highest compliments I could ever hope to receive.

The journey is about finding your individuality and uniqueness that will set you apart from the rest of the world.  I am still evolving as an artist and it is exciting to see who I am yet to become.

This is a very exciting time in my life. I don’t quite know where it’s going but I can’t wait to get there…Thanks for being apart of my story!

My blog~ http://amysjewelrydesigns.blogspot.com/
Twitter~ http://twitter.com/littlegreenroom
Facebook~ http://www.facebook.com/pages/LittleGreenRoom-Jewelry/98542884894?ref=nf
See more of me @ www.amyaguirre.com

You can now find my designs at
Studio Slant~Owensboro KY
Admire~ Atascadero CA
Pacific Gallery~Laguna Beach CA
Two Fish Gallery~Anchorage AK
Down2Earth Gallery& Gifts~Crown Point IN

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